| Helpful Information to Help You Live Better
5 Formas muy Eficaces de Eliminar los Ácaros del Polvo en tu Hogar
La cubierta de alergias mantiene fuera a las chinches
Forget Ghosts and Goblins, Dust Mites are Scary
I admit it. I love a good horror movie (real horror…not just blood, guts and gore for the sake of blood and guts and gore). And you sleep with these terrors every night! Dust mites are scary.

Nasal Irrigation Without the Neti Pot Mess
Looking for a non-drug solution Nasal Sinus Irrigation? The natural solution Irrigation of the nasal cavity is an ancient technique based on early homeopathic and yogic practices.

5 Tips for Traveling if You Have Allergies

How to Allergy Proof Your Hotel Room

Can You Outgrow Asthma?
Can you really outgrow asthma? Many asthmatics and parents of asthma sufferers have asked this question. There have been many cases of individuals who were diagnosed with asthma as children and then saw their symptoms decrease and even disappear entirely as they reached young adulthood. But did these individuals actually outgrow it?

How to Avoid Bed Bugs When you Travel

Indoor Allergy Survival Tips

10 Signs You May Have Asthma

Tap Water vs Bottled Water .. Both Are Bad
An article in Natural Health that said we should be drinking more tap water and that is was just as safe as bottled water. First of all, not all bottled water is good and worse all of the plastic bottles that get tossed everyday are defiantly bad for the environment.