| Helpful Information to Help You Live Better

Can Dust Mites Cause a Skin Rash?
Red bumps are all over your skin when you get up in the morning. Your skin is red, covered in bumps, and itches like crazy, but doesn’t look dry. What is going on?

Allergy Control for Guests – Thanksgiving Edition
If your guests have environmental or food allergies, here are some tips for allergy control for guests.

Memory Foam Pillows - Are They For You?

Dust Mites | 5 Highly Effective Ways to Get Rid Them
Here are 5 highly effective ways to get rid of dust mites and their allergens as well as a few that we don’t really recommend, but they will work.

When Cleaning House Is The Problem
Sometimes people try to make their home to clean. We all know that controlling your allergies and asthma really starts at home. This time of year many people with allergies will now stay indoors because the air is full of pollen, grass and mold spores.

Cockroach Allergy is for Real
We’re wrapping up this month’s discussion of annoying pests with the venerable cockroach. Have you ever heard of cockroach allergy?

Dust Mites and Humidity
The official first day of Winter this year is December 21st. Winter is not be here yet, but many people have already turned on their heaters. A side effect of using heating is a drop in the relative humidity in your home.

Where Does All The Dust In Your House Come From?

What is Swaddling and is it Good for Babies?

Ragweed Allergy Season is Here
The calendar says fall is still a few days away, but fall seasonal allergies have already started. Fall seasonal allergens including ragweeds, goldenrods, and molds are the most common fall seasonal allergy culprits.

How Our Mattress Covers Make You a Better Person
Everyone wants to be their very best. Well, most of us do for sure. The Allergy Store wants to be the very best too. We want you to be your best; so here is how our mattress covers will make you a better person.