Have you or your child not been feeling 100% for a while? You know something is just not right. Do you find yourself coughing more often or just can’t catch your breath?
Over the years we have had so many people tell us they never knew they had asthma. They thought they had a lingering cold, the heat was making it hard to breathe or they were just out of shape. They finally decide to visit their doctor and guess what, they have asthma.
Do any of these sound familiar to you?
- You can’t sleep through the night because of coughing fits or shortness of breath.
- You can’t take a deep breath without feeling some discomfort.
- Your chest feels tight sometimes when you take a deep breath.
- You keep coughing for no apparent reason. No smoke, dust or strong odors around.
- You start coughing and your breathing gets hard when you are around pets, pollen or smokers.
- You start coughing or have a hard time breathing when the weather changes especially during cold weather.
- When you get a cold it always seems to go to your chest.
- You are in good shape but you have a hard time breathing when you walk upstairs, hills or around the block.
- Sometimes you hear a wheezing sound in your chest.
- Out of nowhere all of a sudden, you can’t catch your breath.
If you find that a few of these describe how you have been feeling then you really need to get with your doctor.
Wishing you the best of health
The Allergy Store