| Helpful Information to Help You Live Better

Sending Your Child with Allergies to Summer Camp
School is out and it is time for summer camp. For many a mom with children that have allergies, it can cause a bit of worry. If your child has allergies, here are a few extra things you need to do when getting them ready for camp.

How to Treat Your Allergy Symptoms - Part 2
Treat Your Allergy Symptoms with Mast Cell Stabilizers Cromolyn sodium for allergic rhinitis is a nasal spray or inhaled medication that for some people helps to prevent allergic reactions from ever starting.
Continue reading "How to Treat Your Allergy Symptoms Part 2"

Controlling Dust Mites in Carpeting
The carpets in our house are a perfect environment for collecting dust mites and other common household allergens. Dust, pollen, dirt, crumbs, dead skin, hair, and other debris fall onto the floor and collect in the fibers of the carpet.