How Our Mattress Covers Make You a Better Person

How Our Mattress Covers Make You a Better Person

Everyone wants to be their very best. Well, most of us do for sure. 

The Allergy Store wants to be the very best too. That’s why we sell the best mattress covers. We want you to be your best; so here is how our mattress covers will make you a better or at least happier a person.

Allergies make you grumpy in the morning

Good-bye Grumpy and Sleepy

If your allergies or asthma keep you from getting a great night’s sleep, you can’t be your very best.

You’re  just the grumpy and sleepy version of your best self.  When you put an one of our mattress covers on your bed you will be protected from all those pesky allergens that tickle your nose, make you cough, and prevent you from getting the restful sleep your body needs.

You wake refreshed; ready to grab your coffee and go. No one will mistake you for a cartoon dwarf. They will just see the real you, the rested you, the better you.

Friends and co-workers will thank you.

So Long Shiners

So Long Shiners

Those dark circles under your eyes are the result of more than just missing a few z’s.  Allergists and immunologists refer to them as “allergic shiners”.

They are a result of the increased blood flow to the nasal and sinus area as a result of allergic reactions.  Those reactions can be triggered by the hordes of dust mites and other allergens in your mattress, pillows, and other bedding.

When you zip up your mattress in one of our mattress covers and seal up your pillows in our pillow covers you won’t spend all night breathing those allergens.

Decreased exposure results in decreased blood flow and the end result is an end to those allergic shiners.  The cosmetic company won’t be happy because you won’t be using so much concealer, but your true beauty will shine through – shiner free.

Tired of explaining that you aren’t spreading plague but just have allergies?

Remove Suspicion 

When you face the day with uncontrolled allergies you head out armed with a plethora of tissues and an emergency back-up hankie.  All in an effort to hold back the relentless tide of nasal discharge, watery eyes, and coughing that make you look a walking biological terrorist.  Those allergic shiners probably don’t help either (or the fact that your grumpy and sleepy).

Tired of explaining that you aren’t spreading plague but just have allergies?  Instead of defending your allergies, vanquish them.  Protect yourself with an mattress cover from the Allergy Store.  Put a protective barrier between you and the allergens that are determined to ruin your reputation.

Instead of drowning in a sea of snot each morning, awaken symptom free.  Leave the tissues for when you really have a cold.   Instead of getting the stink eye from fellow commuters and co-workers get smiles. People will appreciate the better you.

This was a light-hearted look at a serious problem.  Take control of your allergies. Get a mattress cover from The Allergy Store.

You’ll be glad you did.