| Helpful Information to Help You Live Better

Beat the Heat this Summer with These Simple Tips!
Summer is here! Time to review summer heat tips to keep you cool and comfortable.

Cats and Dogs Can Have Allergies Too

Can Acupuncture Help with Allergies?
People with allergies seek relief in any manner they can find it. The question is, does acupuncture really help with allergies? It may, but not the way you might expect.

How Long Do Austin Air Healthmates Last?
It is hard to say, Austin Air guarantees them for 5 years. Here is what I will say about mine. Today an old friend finally pushed out its last breath of fresh air.

How to Live with Cat Allergies

Can You Be Allergic to Cats and Not Dogs?

Dust Mite Information & Facts

Unmasking the Mystery: Why Do I Snore?

Bed Bugs are Bad. Don’t Get Bitten by Cover Costs Too
Bed bugs are bad enough, who wants to be made more miserable by overpaying for bed bug proof mattress covers.

Spring Cleaning – Living Areas
Have you started your Spring Cleaning yet?
Depending on how many living spaces you have, you may do them all at once or just a few at a time. For example, if you have a formal living room, a family room and a TV room you might want to clean those apart from the dining room.

Spring Cleaning the Kitchen
Ack! Spring cleaning the kitchen can be such a big job that it can tire you out just to think about it, much less do it. But, if you have a strategy, a plan, and the right tools, it doesn’t have to be so bad.

Spring Cleaning - The Bedrooms
If you are going to do that annual spring deep clean, one of the most important rooms in the house is the bedroom. Because bedrooms have so many fiber surfaces they really collect dust and other household allergens.