School is out and it is time for summer camp. I used to love going to camp every year. I made new friends, learned cool things and got out of the house for a week or two.
For many a mom with children that have allergies, it can cause a bit of worry. If your child has allergies, here are a few extra things you need to do when getting them ready for camp. They will have more fun and you will worry less.
First, make sure that the camp director and counselors that will be working with your child understand your child’s allergies. Do not worry, your child isn’t the first camper with allergies they have ever seen. However, communication is important.
Clearly communicate the nature of your child’s allergies. Be sure they know the symptoms and what medication your child needs. If your child has severe or life-threatening allergies, discuss their policies and procedures for the use of epinephrine.
If your child has food allergies, you can find more information on our blog post on camps that are food allergy friendly.
If your child has dust mite allergies, let the camp know you will be packing an inexpensive zippered dust mite cover for the child’s mattress at camp. Ask what size the cot will be. Most camp beds are twin or a long twin.
Our SMS zippered mattress and box spring cover is perfect for camp. It is highly effective, cool, comfortable, and because it is so economical, it is disposable. When camp is over, just remove the cover and throw it away or keep it for next year. Pack a zippered pillow cover as well.
Since the beds are generally twin or long twin, the pillows are a standard size. Even if your child does not have allergies, the zippered pillow cover is a nice level of protection.
If your child has seasonal allergies, make sure you send enough medication to last the entire camp period. While your child might not need it every day, assume that it will be necessary. Once again, communication with camp staff is critical here.
Do remind your happy camper to put on sunscreen every morning when getting dressed and again after a few hours of activity.
As a final note, when your camper comes home make sure that crafts and memories are the only extras that come with them. Unpack their bag in the garage or carport and immediately wash everything. To remove allergens such as pollen, and dust mite matter we recommend washing items with Allergen Allergy Wash.
If you cannot wash right away, leave all contents out of the house until you can inspect the bag and wash the contents.
If you sent a zippered mattress and pillow cover, you sent bed bug protection for your child. However, that does not mean that a bed bug or two from an unprotected mattress or pillow in the cabin could not hitch a ride back home.
By keeping the bag out of the house until you can go through it and wash everything you are adding a layer of bed bug protection to your home. Better safe than sorry!
Wishing you the best of health
The Allergy Store
Allergy elimination is about eliminating the allergy-causing substance in your home the best you can. Once you do this, you may be able to eliminate the need for all the medications and doctor visits. For additional information please click here to download your free copy of" You Can Do It! Allergy Free Living.