House dust mite allergens are linked to allergic rhinitis, dermatitis and asthma so avoiding them as much as possible is important. So how do you remove the allergens from your bedding and clothes?
Even if all of your bedding is zipped up tight with allergy-proof encasements, you still need to wash your sheets, blankets, and pillowcases. Doctors recommend that you wash your bedding at least once a week in hot water. We do ours every Friday.
What they do not explain is that when they use the term hot they mean water it has to be is at least 130° to 140° Fahrenheit. Temperatures this hot are difficult to achieve safely at home, giving you a laundry dilemma.
Do you want to get rid of allergens and run the risk of burning yourself with hot water or keep the allergens and protect your skin from extremely hot water?
Generally, your home hot water heater is set to 102° to 108° for safety. With temperatures higher than this, you run the risk of scalding when using hot water in the kitchen or bathroom.
You could go to your hot water heater and turn up the temperature, wash your bedding, and then turn the temperature back down. Sounds like a real hassle: and what happens if you forget to turn the temperature back down and then run a bath or shower?
The answer is to wash your bedding in lower temperatures and use something that will help you wash away those allergens.
If you are only concerned about dust mites, then the answer to your washing dilemma is to use De-Mite Laundry Additive along with your regular laundry detergent. The active ingredients in De-Mite will wash away those annoying mites and their allergens in cold, warm, or hot water.
This means you can leave the thermostat on the hot water heater alone and concentrate on other more important things in your life.
If you have favorite laundry detergent, De-Mite is perfect for you. It will allow you to continue washing with your favorite detergent while you wash away mites and their feces that cause so many allergy symptoms.
You can wash in cold water with De-Mite and achieve 140° washing results. When you wash in colder water, your laundry will thank you. Cotton sheets will last longer and your colors will stay vibrant longer if you wash in cooler temperatures.
Allersearch Allergen Wash laundry detergent is another product that will allow you to wash with cooler temperatures and remove allergens at the same time. The super surfactants in Allergen Wash break the hold those allergens have on your bedding fibers allowing them to be washed away.
Allergen Wash will remove animal allergens, dust mites and their feces, molds and pollens. The surfactants are tough on allergens but are gentle on fabrics. You can safely use Allergen Wash on any washable fabric, even hand wash items.
Allersearch also makes an additive, Acaril Laundry Additive, that eliminates allergens in bedding and washable clothing during the wash cycle and is effective in hot, warm and cold water. Just add a capful with your laundry detergent.
Which Laundry Care Product is Right for You?
It depends on your allergies and your feelings about your current laundry detergent. If you absolutely love your detergent and cannot imagine using anything else (yes, there are people with those feelings) then simply add a small amount of De-Mite to the detergent when you wash your bedding.
If you are allergic to more than dust mites or you don’t have a favorite detergent then wash your bedding in Allergen Wash. Want more information on the difference between the two products? Read this - What are the Differences Between De-Mite Additive and Allersearch Allergen Wash?
Whether you use Allergen Wash or De-Mite, do not use liquid fabric softener on your sheets, pillowcases or blankets. Liquid fabric softener actually creates dust in the bedroom you worked so hard to make dust-free. If you need to use a fabric softener, we recommend the fabric softener sheets that can be placed in the dryer.
Wishing you the best of health
The Allergy Store