Where do dust mites live? That can be a more complicated question to answer than you might think. The easy answer is in bedding, mattress and pillows and that’s generally true, but mites can be found in other parts of your home too and some can even be found in the living quarters of non-humans as well. In most cases, mites are found where the living conditions are ideal for them.
Unfortunately for us, the average dust mite tends to like the same kind of ideal temperature and humidity level that we do. They prefer a warm climate and one that is reasonably humid without being too stuffy. Those conditions include a ready food supply and a temperate climate.
While fabric-covered surfaces give them the perfect place to burrow and set up residence, a steady supply of food isn’t their only requirement and they will tend to gravitate toward warm, moist areas. In most homes, this usually means mattresses, as they tend to be warmer and damper than almost any other spot in the house.
Not only do we provide the perfect living environment for dust mites, we automatically provide them with a rich food source, as they eat the dead skin cells that we shed every day without even realizing it. Since we spend such a large amount of time in bed, the greatest amount of these cells can be found on our mattresses, making them the ideal home for mites.
When asking where do dust mites live, though, you can’t stop at your bed. While that is their primary location, these tiny pests will also be drawn to other fabric-covered surfaces. Some of the most popular places are the sofas, living room chairs, futons and long or deep pile carpeting. Stuffed animals provide another ideal repository for dust and dust mites.
But humans are not the only targets of these creatures. They will eat any type of skin cell, so animals are just as susceptible to infestation as we are. Pet beds can attract large numbers of mites and mites have also been known to congregate in bird’s nests and the dens of wild animals as well. Basically, any place where they can find food, they will stick around and multiply.
Since we all shed skin, it is impossible to cut off their food supply. While we could make the temperature and humidity level unpleasant for them, it would also probably be quite unpleasant for us too, so that isn’t a very practical solution either. In short, dust mites are all around us and as long as they’re there, they’ll be making us miserable.
It’s an unpleasant fact of life, but like it or not most of us are probably sharing our homes with millions of unwanted guests. And unless we opt to live in a cold, dry climate year-round there is little we can do to make these particular guests leave. But that doesn’t mean you have to tolerate the allergic reactions they cause. It’s still your home, so don’t surrender it to these microscopic invaders.
Wishing you the best of health