Sharing the Ride But Not the Pet Allergens

Sharing the Ride But Not the Pet Allergens

Modern ridesharing services like Lyft and Uber make transportation convenient and affordable, but in quest to grow their customer base, they may put people with severe pet allergies at risk.

Ridesharing services allow pets to ride with humans in certain markets and at the discretion of the driver. So, the rideshare you take today may come with bonus pet allergens from yesterday’s traveler.

Understanding rideshare pet policies and how to protect yourself is crucial for those with severe pet allergies.

The Rise of Pet-Friendly Ridesharing

Both Lyft and Uber recognize the growing demand for pet-friendly options. After all, many ride sharers are pet owners too. They need transportation for their furry family members, whether it’s a trip to the vet, a few hours at the bark park, or just a little companionship as they run errands.  

So, the big ridesharing companies are inviting for Fido and Fluffy along for the ride and have implemented specific pet policies.

Uber offers a “Pet” option in certain markets, allowing riders to indicate they have a pet with them when requesting a ride. Similarly, Lyft offers Pet Rides in some cities and asks riders to keep the pet in a carrier, on a blanket, or at their feet.

Uber and Lyft allow service animals in all markets.

When Ridesharing Equals Pet Allergen Sharing

When Ridesharing Equals Pet Allergen Sharing

While pet owners love the opportunity to bring along their furry friends, these new policies pose significant problems for people with pet allergies. Pet allergens, which are found in tiny, even microscopic, flecks of protein in the dried urine and saliva of mammals, is a common allergen.

Once these flecks of allergen laden skin and hair leave the pet as the animal takes a ride, they linger long after the ride is over.  This sets the stage for potential allergic reactions for subsequent riders.

When people with pet allergies get in the car, they may experience symptoms like sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, itchy or watery eyes, and in the most severe cases, difficulty breathing or asthma attacks. For these people, riding in a vehicle that previously transported a pet could trigger annoying or even dangerous symptoms.

How Ridesharing Companies Address the Problem

Uber and Lyft created policies to address the concerns of riders with pet allergies, but these policies place all responsibility on the rider. Uber tells riders to inform the driver immediately if they have a pet allergy and to request a different vehicle if they feel uncomfortable. Sure, the rider can get another car, but that doesn’t mean that car won’t also be contaminated.  

The Lyft policy mirrors Uber and encourages riders with pet allergies to tell the driver upfront. However, because all rideshare drivers are prohibited from declining passengers with service animals, there’s no way to guarantee a vehicle doesn’t have a pet in its past. There’s no way to identify vehicles that have recently carried animals (service or not), so it’s up to you to manage your exposure.

When Ridesharing Equals Pet Allergen Sharing

If you have pet allergies and use Uber and Lyft frequently, use these strategies to proactively limit your risk of exposure.

  1. Be Upfront with the Driver: Use the messaging feature to inform your driver about your pet allergies when you book the ride. Ask when the last time was they carried an animal and if the vehicle has been cleaned since. Most drivers will be honest (they don’t want a bad review) and may cancel the ride if they think their car could trigger your allergies.
  2. Carry Allergy Medication: Always have your allergy medication or inhaler with you. This ensures you can quickly manage your symptoms. This rule of thumb applies every time you leave home and especially when using ridesharing services.
  3. Take a Protection: Bring a portable seat cover, blanket, or even a towel to toss over the seat.  This creates a barrier between you and any residual pet dander and helps allergens from becoming airborne during your ride. Wash it when you get home to prevent cross contamination.
  4. Rate and Review: After your ride, take the time to rate and review your driver. If your pet allergies were triggered in the car, note this in your review. Your feedback helps future riders with pet allergies and lets the driver and the rideshare company know this is a health issue for many people.
  5. Consider Alternative Transportation: If you are very sensitive, it may be safer to use another transportation method, such as a non-pet-friendly taxi service or public transportation. Do keep in mind that no public transport can prohibit service animals, but they can refuse companionship pets. Apps like Nextdoor frequently feature local private rideshare services.

The Future of Pet-Friendly Ridesharing

As the demand for pet-friendly rides continues to grow, we hope Lyft and Uber refine their services to better serve riders with pets and riders with pet allergies.

One potential solution would be enhancing their technology to flag vehicles that have transported pets and the date of transport. This would help passengers with pet allergies to make an informed choice.

Another option might be enacting stringent cleaning protocols for drivers who regularly transport animals. From frequent vacuuming to treating upholstery with denaturing agents like ADMS, every bit of allergen reduction would help.

In the meantime, people with pet allergies must rideshare with caution. That means balancing the convenience of Lyft and Uber while minimizing the risks associated with pet allergies.