Sleeping with bed bugs is not always so obvious until the problem has gotten out of control. Many people can clearly see they have a problem when they look at their arms and legs.
If there are numerous red blotches or bites, this can easily mean that there is a problem with bed bugs in the mattress and they need to be taken care of immediately.
There are several methods you can use in order to successfully kill and get rid of the bed bugs in your mattress. The sooner you start the sooner the mattress can become bed bug-free.
Keep Them Out of the Mattress with Bed Bug Covers
One of the very best ways to stop the problem before it starts and forget about bed bugs is by putting bed bug proof mattress covers on the mattress, pillows and box springs.
These are special bed bug proof zippered covers that will go over the entire mattress and pillow so that nothing is left uncovered. You simply zip up the covers and there will nothing to worry about after that.
The bed bugs are not going to be able to survive without food and they will die off. Believe it or not, we have been told this is a cruel and inhumane way to kill bed bugs. Simply covering you mattress is a very cost-effective method that has helped thousands of people clear up their problems.
After a short period of time, some people try to empty out the cover. Our suggestion is to put it on and leave it on. Period.
Heat Kills Bed Bugs
Heat is another element that will kill and get rid of bed bugs. Many of our customers have found that they can use a steam cleaner to kill them.
Using a portable steam cleaner, like the Vapamore Primo MR-100, is going to kill any bed bugs within seconds simply because they can not handle all of that heat.
The thing you need to be careful about is don't soak the mattress. Make sure it is completely dry before covering it or laying it down on the box springs. A wet mattress breeds mold and mildew.
There are plenty of places that will rent steam cleaners so you can get the job done within a couple of hours. I would like to point out that owning a portable steam cleaner is a good thing.
They have lots of other uses other than killing bed bugs. We use ours to clean floors, walls, showers and lots of other things around the house.
Replace the Infested Mattress
If the mattress is over 10 years old, it may be a good idea to just get rid of the mattress. Replacing the mattress enables you to start new without any bugs.
Be careful where you by the mattress. We have had customers tell us they brought bed bugs home from the mattress store. The best thing to do is to cover the mattress with a bed bug cover as soon as you get it home.
Use Bed Bug Sprays
There are also various sprays and chemicals that can be purchased in order to get rid of the bugs within the next couple of days. The only downfall to using these chemicals is the fact that they can be harmful to animals or even small children.
There may be some eco-friendly versions that you can use to ensure that everyone in the home is safe and sound. Look around and try to make some comparisons before going out and investing in anything.
Professional Pest Control Companies
Professional pest control services may be the best choice for those who do not have the time or tools to do the job on their own or the problem has gotten out of hand. A major bed bug infestation is hard to handle on your own.
They usually will come out within a relatively short amount of time and will take care of the entire job in a few hours. You may be in the home at the time, but most teams do work faster with fewer distractions.
Take some time to get in touch with a few reputable companies and ask for references and price quotes. Try to find on that specializes in getting rid of bed bugs. This is the best way to find the most affordable options on top of the very best services.
Make sure to ask questions about all the chemicals that they use or even specialty services that they may offer. Keep in mind they may have to come back a time or two to ensure they got them all.
FYI, anyone who tells you UV light kills bed bugs is dead wrong and should be avoided.
Once the job is complete, it will be up to you to take care of the maintenance and ensure that the home is always clean. Keeping a clean house will help to eliminate the risk of the bed bugs coming back.
Just like in sports, the best offense is a good defense. That means thinking like a bed bug; understanding what they want and how they go about getting it.
Wishing you the best of health
The Allergy Store
Learning how to kill and get rid of bed bugs can be a difficult, but there are tools and supplies that can act as the perfect solution.
Here’s some additional insight into bed bug behavior and ways you can keep bed bugs at bay.