We have gotten quite a few calls this week from people trying to get the house ready for a friend or family member with allergies that are coming for a holiday visit.
When you have a holiday guest with allergies, there are a few things you can do to prepare. You want the visit memorable for the good times, not the allergies or the asthma attack!
While it may not be perfect there are things you can do right now to prepare a guest room for holiday guests with allergies
- Keep the pets out of the room.
- Strip the bed including the blankets and comforters.
- Dust and vacuum the room now.
- If you have ADMS spray use it.
- Wash or put the blankets in the dryer to get rid of dust build-up.
- A day or 2 before they are due to arrive dust and vacuum again
- Put clean linens on the bed.
- Keep the door closed.
If your guest is allergic to your pet, it may not be possible to completely remove all the pet allergen from your house before they arrive. It is better to concentrate on cleaning just a few rooms and keep the pet out of those rooms during the visit.
Your holiday guest with allergies or asthma probably doesn’t need to use every bedroom and bathroom in the house, so don’t worry about those rooms.
Wishing you the best of health and Happy Holidays!