Can dust mite allergens trigger asthma attacks? The answer is a resounding yes.
Not only can these microscopic pests cause giant problems for asthmatics, but they are also actually the most common cause of allergy-induced asthma in children and adults on the planet. Unfortunately, they are also almost impossible to avoid completely.
So exactly how do dust mites contribute to asthma attacks? These mites live in and on any kind of fabric, particularly drapes, carpets and mattresses, and they multiply rapidly.
Because they are so numerous and nearly impossible to detect with the naked eye, it can be difficult to get rid of them. As they congregate throughout your house, they leave their droppings behind and this is what causes problems for asthma sufferers.
Those droppings become the main component of most common household dust. When that dust spreads, it also spreads a particularly toxic enzyme contained in the droppings. This enzyme is the culprit that can trigger an asthma attack.
Prolonged exposure to it can cause coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath along with other common allergy symptoms including itchy eyes, runny nose and sneezing.
So if you’ve ever wondered can dust mite allergens cause an asthma attack, you now have your answer. They can and do cause attacks in sensitive individuals and can become a real health hazard. And a build-up of dust is not necessary to indicate their presence.
Dust mites and their droppings can be present even in the cleanest looking homes.
Fortunately, there are steps you can take to reduce the effect of dust mites. First and foremost is regular vacuuming and dusting to prevent dust build-up.
Regularly washing bed sheets and other bedding is recommended to help kill off any mites that are present and prevent them from leaving their droppings and allergens behind.
Because dust mites are so small, they can easily work their way into even the smallest of crevices in upholstered furniture and mattresses. Furniture should be steam cleaned from time to time to kill mites and mattress can be rendered allergen-free with the use of special protective coverings.
These allergy covers, made of special fabrics that prevent dust mites from penetrating them, will act as a barrier between any mites in your mattress and your sensitive lungs. What is in your mattress and pillows stays there.
So yes they can cause an asthma attack and the time to fight back is now before symptoms occur. You can even take protective measures when you travel such as bringing your rescue medication with you and using your own pillow outfitted with an allergy cover to guard against dust mites. My wife always travels with a bottle of ADMS.
Dust mites are an annoying fact of life and can be a serious threat to asthma sufferers, but there is no need to take these common allergens lying down. Take preventative steps to help keep your home dust-free and you’ll be able to breathe easier knowing that this common trigger won’t be affecting you.
Wishing you the best of health
The Allergy Store