On the way home tonight I saw van leaving my neighborhood. On the side of it in big letters, it said “Carpet Cleaning and Duct Cleaning” No offense to the guy driving the van, I don’t know him or the company, but he is ripping people off. He is ripping my neighbors off.
We owned a company that had been cleaning ducts since 1989 so I know a little about duct cleaning and how it should be done. I won’t go into all the specifics now but there is no way that van could have been carrying the proper equipment to clean any house in my neighborhood. Period.
My guess is he had a small “Brush” cleaning system since he also did carpet cleaning. This brush system has a rotating brush head on the end of a 1 1/4 vacuum hose, 15' long which is attached to a red vacuum.
All the houses in the neighborhood have vaulted ceilings and flex duct work. Much of the duct work runs 20 to 30 feet and is anywhere from 5″ to 16″ in diameter. There is no way for that brush head and hose assembly to get into the duct work and get it clean.
If you see and ad for duct cleaning that reads something like this, Duct Cleaning – 8 vents – $39.00, save your money. The only thing they will clean is your wallet.
Carpet cleaners need to clean carpet, that is what they do. If you want your duct cleaned, hire a company that does duct cleaning.
Contact NADCA (National Air Duct Cleaning Association) for a good company in your area.
Wishing you the best of health
Mike Krause
Allergy Store