We have been helping customers deal with bed bugs and bedding problems for years.
One of the things we are always encouraging them to do is clean and cover the mattress, box spring, and pillows and such with bed bug proof bedding before making the decision to spray poisons and insecticides in the bedroom or on the mattress.
Why? Products labeled as "Bed Bug Killer" are like all insecticides, they are toxic.
Besides that, do you really want to sleep in a room or on a mattress that has been sprayed with poison?
Years ago someone sent me an article from CBS News that talks about the dangers of using insecticides to get rid of bed bugs. In it they said
"A government study counted one death and 80 illnesses linked to bedbug insecticides over three years"
They wrote about a person who died trying to kill them.
“The one bedbug pesticide related death occurred in 2010. The victim was a 65-year-old woman from Rocky Mount, N.C., who had a history of heart trouble and other ailments. She and her husband used nine cans of insecticide fogger one day, and then the same amount two days later, without opening doors and windows to air out their home afterward. She also covered her body and hair with another bedbug product, and covered her hair with a plastic cap.”
We wrote an article about what bed bugs were and the best way to deal with them. While it is a pain and can be a lot of hard work, you should try to deal with bed bugs in the old fashion way.
You will need to clean, and I mean scrub, the entire area. We have found that using a steam cleaner is perfect for this because you can get in the small places and there are no poisons involved.
After you have cleaned then you must cover your mattress with bed bug covers even if you get a new one. Bed bugs love to live in the mattress. Guess that’s how they came up with the name.
In the event, you end up with a major infestation you will need to hire a licensed and certified pest control company. Make sure you ask for references.
Please be careful. If you think you have bed bugs and are not sure what to do give us a call. We will be happy to share what we have learned over the years.
Wishing you the best of health.