For over 30 years, the Allergy Store has been helping clients across the U.S. and around the world by providing the best possible information and allergy control products that can help you improve the quality of your life. For over 30 years, the Allergy Store has been helping clients across the U.S. and around the world by providing the best possible information and allergy control products that can help you improve the quality of your life.
Allergy Bedding | AllergyStore.Com

Discover the ultimate destination for allergy-friendly bedding.

Our extensive collection features a variety of high-quality fabrics and styles designed to cater to your preferences, needs, and budget.

Whether you're seeking comfort, protection, or style, we have the perfect solution to help you sleep better and wake up refreshed.

Shop now and experience the difference of bedding crafted with your well-being in mind!

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Blog posts

5 Highly Effective Ways to Get Rid of Dust  Mites

5 Highly Effective Ways to Get Rid of Dust Mites

Here are 5 highly effective ways to get rid of dust mites and their allergens as well as a few that we don’t really recommend, but they will work.

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Dust Mites and Humidity

Dust Mites and Humidity

The official first day of Winter this year is December 21st. Winter is not be here yet, but many people have already turned on their heaters.  A side effect of using heating is a drop in the relative humidity in your home.

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How Our Mattress Covers Make You a Better Person

How Our Mattress Covers Make You a Better Person

Everyone wants to be their very best. Well, most of us do for sure.  The Allergy Store wants to be the very best too. We want you to be your best; so here is how our mattress covers will make you a better person.

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